Fundamental Text Data Types

There are three fundamental text data types used in Python, the Unicode String str, the Byte String bytes and the Mutable Byte String bytearray. These text data types follow Pythons design pattern around an object base and as a consequence have consistent data model identifiers and identifiers.

In the Unicode String, each unit in the string is a Unicode text character, as a consequence it is the easiest text data type to manipulate, the most flexible and the most common text datatype employed in Python.

In the Byte Strings, each unit in the string is instead a numeric configuration known as a byte. For a small subset of characters known as ASCII characters, one character corresponds to one byte and therefore the Unicode Strings and Byte Strings map consistently. Outwith this small subset of characters, things become a bit more messy. One-four Bytes may be used to represent a character and the configuration of bytes used to represent each character changes with the various different encoding schemes or translation maps. The Byte Strings are generally used more on the hardware level for purposes such as receiving and sending data along serial ports. In such an application, it is recommended to convert the receiving Byte String to a Unicode String as early as possible in the program and to convert the Unicode String to a Byte String as later as possible before sending it along a serial port.

Object Orientated Programming Conception

Python is an Object Orientated Programming (OOP) language. Before delving into Python, its worthwhile exploring the general concept of OOP using physical objects.

Each object belongs to an associated class. The class can be conceptualised as a set of instructions, similar to the blueprint shown that has an associated label MobileSuit.


Each object that belongs to a class, is known as an instance of the class. There are three instances, and each instance has its own respective label green_instance, blue_instance and purple_instance which correspond to the unique models (bottom).


Notice the PascalCase used for the class name MobileSuit, this syntax is used for third-party classes. Instance names otherwise known as object names or variable names typically use snake_case. UPPER_CASE is typically reserved for an instance name that is intended to be constant.

The three instances are each unique objects and interaction with one does not influence the other two. The class outlines attributes and methods:

An attribute is some form of data which belongs to the object, which can be thought of as a property of the object. In this example the height of each model is an example of an attribute. Each instance has a height of 15 cm which can be accessed using dot . notation of the form instance.attribute:


Since this height is constant for every instance of the class, it is known as a class attribute and can be accessed from the class using:


Another example of an attribute is the color of each instance.


This gives blue, green and purple respectively. Unlike the height attribute, the color attribute is not constant and can be varied for each instance, so is known as an instance attribute. It is therefore not possible to access:


A method is some form of action. Looking at the class MobileSuit, it is easy to see that each instance is poseable. A method raise_right_arm for example can be used. In Python, a method is a function which needs to be called using parenthesis ( ). The ( ) also serve a second purpose, to enclose any required input arguments having the general form instance.method(arg1, arg2, arg3, …). Many methods don't require supplementary input arguments as they already have access to instance and class attributes, like in this example, where the arm is internal.


Calling the method on blue_instance does not influence green_instance or purple_instance.

Looking at the class MobileSuit, it is easy to see that each instance can mount equipment and a method mount_left_arm can be used. From the class, it is seen that there is a variety in the equipment that can be mounted. The piece of equipment to be mounted can be provided as an input argument to the method, for example:


The class name itself acts as a method. Calling the class, invokes a data model method defined in the class known as the init signature. The initialization signature is used to initialize instance variables when constructing a new instance of a class. In this example, the only instance variable required is the color since all instances are otherwise instantiated identically.


Notice that the new instance created, unlike the other three instances has no associated label. Because it has no associated label, there is no reference to this instance and it cannot be accessed:


Python garbage collection sees this as an instance with no reference and will remove it:


A label, also known as the instance_name can be assigned to the instance during instantiation by use of the assignment operator =. The instance to be assigned is placed on the right hand side of the assignment operator, and the label or instance name is placed on the left hand side of the assignment operator. For example:

white_instance = MobileSuit(color='white')

The del keyword deletes an instance name. For example:

del green_instance

The instance name is known as a reference to an instance. If the instance has no references, it cannot be accessed and is removed by Pythons garbage collection.


If the following code is input:

tallgeese = white_instance

Approach the assignment operator from right to left. In the right, the instance name white_instance acts as a reference to the MobileSuit instance. Then the assignment operator essentially assigns a second instance name or alias which can be visualised as a second label:


If one of these instance names is deleted, for example:

del white_instance

Then the instance has a second instance name giving a single reference to the instance. Since this instance has a reference, it is not deleted by Pythons garbage collection:


The class itself is an object, which is why it was depicted as a blueprint with a label representing its object name MobileSuit.

The Unicode String Class str

Init Signature

The str class is an abbreviation for a string of Unicode characters. Inputting str() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring of the init signature of the string class.



? str

will output the docstring in the cell output.


The init signature shows three ways of constructing a string. Looking at the second way, the keyword input argument object should be assigned to instance text data. This text should be enclosed in single quotation marks ". For example:


Notice the wine color-coding. If the quotations are not supplied, the text is instead black and a NameError displays when the cell is run. Without the quotations, Python is looking for the object name Hello, which recall can be thought of as a label. This label does not exist and therefore the NameError displays:


The right click context menu, may be used to open the Variable Inspector:


The tab may be dragged down:


So the Notebook and Variable Inspector can be seen side by side:


Notice that the str instance constructed earlier does not display on the Variable Inspector. It was constructed without an instance name or label and immediately removed by Pythons garbage collection as it has no reference.

If the instance instead is instantiated to an instance name or label greeting, it displays on the Variable Inspector:

greeting = str(object='Hello')

Notice again the color-coding of the instance name or label in black and without quotation compared to the string of characters enclosed in single quotations " shown in wine.

The Variable Inspector displays the instance name or label greeting, the instance type which is the builtin class str, the memory size of the object in bytes and the content of the string without enclosure of quotations.

If the str is not supplied a value.


The default value of object=" is used which produces an empty string:


The Unicode string can also be instantiated using the first way outlined in the docstring:


The self, / means that self is always provided as a positional input argument. So the following code is valid:


And the following code instead gives a TypeError:


As the Unicode string is a fundamental datatype, it can be instantiated shorthand using text enclosed in single quotations:


The instance name or label farewell displays on the Variable Explorer. Once again the instance type is the class str and the content of the string is shown.

As these are two unique instances, they store unique content.


If the instance name greeting is input followed by a dot . and then tab ↹ a list of identifiers displays:


If the instance name farewell is input followed by a dot . and then tab ↹ the same list of identifiers displays:


These identifiers come from the str class. Recall the class can be conceptualised as a blueprint, and this blueprint outlines the behaviour of all these identifiers:



All of these identifiers are functions. A function is also an object that can be referenced using its object name. When referenced the output shows that this function belongs to the str class. Notice the parenthesis (), these are used to both provide input arguments to the function and to also call the function:


Details about a functions input arguments can be found by inputting the functions name followed by open parenthesis and pressing shift ⇧ and tab ↹. This displays the functions docstring as a pop up balloon:


This function has no input arguments. A function that is being called from an instance of a class is called a method and methods have access to instance data:


This method can be called for each instance and is seen to operate on each instances unique instance data:


The method returns a new instance of the str class. Because this new instance is not assigned to an object name it has no reference and is immediately removed by Pythons Garbage collection.

If the function is attempted to be called from the str class, a TypeError displays, stating that the unbound method needs an argument. In other words, the class is a blueprint and there is no instance data for the function to operate on.


Pressing shift ⇧ and tab ↹ to view the docstring of the function from the str class now requests an input argument self.


self means any instance of the class, for example:


It is far more common to call the function as a method from an instance, than to call it from the class and then supply an instance. If the following is input:

greeting = greeting.upper()

The value on the right hand side of the assignment operator is going to be computed. This looks to the instance name or label greeting which is attached to the instance data 'Hello':


This has the return value 'HELLO' and the assignment operator move the label from the old str 'Hello' to the new str 'HELLO'. Finally the old str 'hello' now has no label and is removed by Pythons Garbage collection:


A string is immutable, which means it cannot be modified when created. The str in the above operation wasn't modified, instead a new str was created and the instance name or label was assigned to this other instance. Because a str is immutable all of the methods have a return value, usually returning a new string.

Likewise the following:

greeting = 'Hello World!'

will create a new str instance and then assign the existing label greeting to it. The old instance 'HELLO' will now have no reference and be collected by Pythons Garbage collection:


The four methods capitalize, lower, title, casefold (lower but handles German and English characters), swapcase (swap the case of characters) all operate on the str instances, instance data and all return a new string.


The str class has a number of associated methods to check the properties of a str. For example:


These all return a boolean value that is either True or False.

Builtin Identifiers and Keywords

The isidentifier method is a useful string method to check whether the str instance can be used as an identifier. That is whether the contents within the single quotations can be used as a valid object name or label:

'greeting message'.isidentifier()

'greeting' is a valid identifier, the identifier greeting was previously assigned as a str instance. 'greeting message' is not a valid identifier because it contains a space and using this space means Python would look for two seperate greeting and message objects. No special characters can be used in an identifier with exception to the underscore _ recall snake_case, 'greeting_message' is a valid identifier and therefore greeting_messagecould be used as an object name.

If a is input in a cell followed by a tab ↹, all the builtins identifiers that start with a are listed.


A Python Script File or Interactive Python Notebook behind the scences carries has the following command:

from builtins import *

This loads all the builtins identifiers into the global namespace so that they can be accessed.

Although all the builtins identifiers are implicitly imported. It can be useful to explicitly load the module:

import builtins

Then inputting builtins. followed by a tab ↹ will display all the identifiers from the builtins module:


The object name of all these builtins are already in use, and should not be used as object names (labels).

In addition to builtins there is the keyword module. The keyword list can be viewed using:

import keyword

The keywords are reserved by Python and cannot be assigned to object names (labels).

To recap it is possible to reassign one of the builtins identifiers (but not recommended) and impossible to reassign a keyword identifier.

It is a good practice to check whether an identifer is valid and whether it is a builtin or keyword before assigning an object name.

The directory function dir lists all the identifiers within an object. It is named because the Python object can be conceptualised as a folder or directory and each identifier within it can be conceptualised as a file within that directory:


keyword.kwlist and dir(builtins) are lists of strings. A check to see whether 'greeting' is in the list of words can be made using the in operator:

'greeting' in keyword.kwlist
'greeting' in dir(builtins)

This gives the bool False in both cases.

ASCII and Unicode Characters

Python has a string module which contains a number of useful strings.


The instance ascii_letter displays the letters in the alphabet. The str method isalpha will check to see if every character in the string is within this list:


Because there is a ' ' and '!', this method outputs the bool False.

The instances ascii_letter, digits, punctuation and whitespace display the letters in the alphabet, the digits used for numbers, punctuation marks and whitespace. The collection of these is the printable ASCII characters:


The method isalpha checks to see if every character is in string.ascii_letter. The method isnumeric checks to see if every character is in string.digits. The method is alpha numerical isalnum checks to see if every character is in string.ascii_letter or string.digits. The method isspace checks to see if every chracter is in string.whitespace.


The contents of the str instance greeting i.e. 'Hello World!' has a combination of letters, spaces and punctuation marks so is False for these four methods:


The string.printable is a combination of the the printable ASCII characters string.digits, string.ascii_letters, string.punctuation, string.whitespace:


The contents of the str instance greeting i.e. 'Hello World!' is printable so it is True for this method.

Under the hood a computer stores data using binary switches known as bits. Each bit is a switch that is either Low or High. These binary switches are equivalent to the bool values False and True also represented using the digits 0 and 1. To store more than two values, a combination of switches are used and a common configuration is 8 known as a byte.


ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) and contains the most common non-printable computer commands and printable characters used in the English language (American subset which excludes the £). These are numerically encoded and recognised by the computer as a byte.

For example the integer value of the character 'A' can be retrieved using the ordinal function ord:


This gives the int instance 65:


This int can be cast into binary using the binary function bin:


The output displays the integer as a binary string '0b1000001', the 0b is a prefix used to distinguish the binary number from an integer string. The first bit for this character is 0 and is not shown. The 8 binary switches have the following sequence 01000001 when used to represent the character 'A'.

In ASCII bytes 33 to 128 include most printable characters:

for num in range(33, 128):
    print(chr(num), sep='', end='')

This numbering sequence differs slightly to that seen in:


However most of the characters in the string.printable can be seen.

Notice that the whitespace characters aren't included. Bytes 0-33 include these, alongside other non-printable commands. Of particular importance are, the space at 32, the horizontal tab at 9, the new line at 10, the carriage return at 13, the vertical tab at 11 and the for feed at 12:

ord(' ') # space
ord('\t') # tab
ord('\n') # new line
ord('\r') # carriage return
ord('\x0b') # vertical tab
ord('\x0c') # form feed

The names of most of these commands originate from a typewriter:


In a typewriter, the form feed moves the piece of paper up by one line. A carriage return returns the ink cartridge to the left hand side of the sheet of paper. A new line is therefore equivalent to a carriage return and a form feed.

The method isascii checks to see if every character is ASCII. The following str instances can be compared:

greek_greeting = 'Γειά σου Κόσμε!'

The instance greeting returns the bool value True as each character is in the ASCII subset. The instance greek_greeting contains Greek characters, that are outside the ASCII subset of characters and therefore returns the bool value False:


The methods isdecimal, isdigit and isnumeric closely resemble one another when it comes to ASCII characters. They handle non-ASCII numeric characters slightly differently.

isdecimal is the most restrictive and only includes the numbers '0123456789'. These can be different Unicode characters for example '𝟶𝟷𝟸𝟹𝟺𝟻𝟼𝟽𝟾𝟿', '𝟬𝟭𝟮𝟯𝟰𝟱𝟲𝟳𝟴𝟵' and '𝟘𝟙𝟚𝟛𝟜𝟝𝟞𝟟𝟠𝟡' which are the same characters with a different font.

isdigit and isnumeric also include different Unicode characters that represent subscript '₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉' and superscript '⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹', as well as circled digits '➀➁➂➃➄➅➆➇➈'.

isnumeric includes Vulgar Fractions '½⅓¼⅕⅙⅐⅛⅑⅒⅔¾⅖⅗⅘⅚⅜⅝⅞⅟↉' and numeric Unicode characters that represent digits outwith '➀➁➂➃➄➅➆➇➈' such as '➉'.

Single Quotations, Double Quotations and Multiline Strings

If the following is input:

'Philip's Tutorial'

Notice from the syntax highlighting that 'Philip' is recognised as a string, s is recognised as an unassigned Python object name, Tutorial is recognised as an unassigned object name and ' indicates that a string is started but not closed. In other words the line above doesn't make sense to the Python Interpretter.

Python can use double quotations " " to enclose string literals which incorporate '. The following is recognised as a string:

"Philip's Tutorial"

Python can use single quotations ' ' or double quotations " " to enclose a string of Unicode characters. For a single line string the default is single quotations and all official Python documentation favours single quotations for this use case.

'Hello World!'

A multiline string can be constructed using three double quotations """ """ or three single quotations "' "'. For a multi-line string, the default is double quotations and all official Python documentation favours double quotations for this use case. This is also because a docstring is likely to include expanded details about input arguments and therefore likely to contain string literals that are enclosed in single parenthesis.

This is a multi-line string.
Hello World!
Goodbye World!

The multiline string can be assigned to an object name, note the emission of the new line at the start and the end and the inclusion of two tabs:

paragraph = """This is a multi-line string:
\tHello World!
\tGoodbye World!"""

The representation of this multiline string can be shown in the cell output or it can be printed:


In Python code, tabs aren't used and instead four spaces are used. The expandtabs method can be used to expand all tabs in a string to a set number of spaces. Inputting greeting.expandtabs() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring of this function revealing the keyword input argument tabsize, this has a default value of 8:


The tabs can be expanded to 4 spaces and the returned string can be returned to a new object name paragraph2. The cell representation of paragraph2 can be shown in the output of a cell or alternatively paragraph2 can be printed:

paragraph2 = paragraph.expandtabs(tabsize=4)

Print and Repr, Escape Characters and Raw Strings

Going back to:

paragraph = """This is a multi-line string:
\tHello World!
\tGoodbye World!"""

And viewing the string representation in a cell output:


Notice the string representation shown in the cell output uses \n to represent a new line and \t to represent a tab.

The string representation shown in the cell output is the best way to instantiate a new string using a single line. In a string, the \ is used to insert an escape character. This is typically used for whitespace such as \n new line, \t tab and \r carriage return.

The representation can explicitly be shown using the representation function repr. Inputting repr() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring of this function revealing the only input argument is the object to be represented:


The docstring has the positional input argument obj. This is positional only as its followed by a /. If repr is used on paragraph:


Notice that the original string with single quotations is enclosed in double quotations. Everywhere there was a \ in the string, there is now a double \. This is because in order to insert a \ as an escape character \ is used, the first \ denotes insertion of an escape character and the second \ denotes that the escape character to be inserted is \ itself. The effect of these escape characters is seen when the representation is printed:


Which is the same as the default cell output:


The print function displays the string with the formatting escape characters applied:


Inputting print() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring of this function revealing the expected input arguments:


Notice that there are a variable number of positional input arguments, meaning 1 or multiple objects may be supplied to the print function. There is the keyword input argument seperator sep which has the default value of a space and the keyword input argument end which has the default value of a new line. Notice that the docsting displays the default values using single quotations ' ' and '\n' respectively. The behaviour of these input arguments can be examined using:

print('hello', 'world')
print('hello', 'world')
print('hello', 'world', sep='|', end='+')
print('hello', 'world')
print('hello', 'world')

A Linux or Mac file path use the / to indicate a subdirectory for example /home/pc/:


A Windows file path uses the \ by default to indicate a subdirectory for example C:\Users\Philip:


In Python the path C:\Users\Philip can be converted into a string using:


This can be printed using:


When copying and pasting a file path, it can be quite inconvenient to modify every \ to a \. This can be done using a raw string. A raw string is prepended with r:


Formatted Strings

Supposing the three string variables:

str0 = 'print'
str1 = 'hello'
str2 = 'world'

are to be inserted into a string of the format:

'The string to 0 is 1 2!'

where strN is to be inserted where N is indicated.


This can be achieved using a positional input argument placeholder {} where each positional input argument is an integer. The string format method can then be used with a positional input argument that has a position that corresponding to the placeholder:

'The string to {0} is {1} {2}!'.format(str0, str1, str2)

Observing the output, the variables get inserted into the string as expected.

A keyword object placeholder can instead contain an object name. The string format method must have a keyword input argument corresponding to this object name:

'The string to {var0} is {var1} {var2}!'.format(var0=str0,

For simplicity, the name of the keyword argument in the format method is often assigned to match the name of the Python object to be inserted into a string:

'The string to {str0} is {str1} {str2}!'.format(str0=str0,

As the above is commonly used and it is inconvenient to write each variable name 3 times, there is a shorthand notation. Prepending the string with f automatically invokes the format method. A corresponding keyword argument is implicitly setup that matches the name in the placeholder and this is assigned to an object with the same name.

f'The string to {str0} is {str1} {str2}!'

A mapping such as a dictionary has key: value pairs:

strings = {'str0': 'print', 
           'str1': 'hello', 
           'str2': 'world'}

A dictionary can then be unpacked using **:


When it is unpacked it becomes:

str0='print', str1='hello', str2='world'

The key name in the dictionary must match the keyword placeholder in the formatted string.

'The string to {str0} is {str1} {str2}!'.format(**strings)

There is also the format_map method which automatically unpacks the mapping:

'The string to {str0} is {str1} {str2}!'.format_map(strings)

The placeholders can contain a format specifier. For example, the following specifier indicates that each item to be inserted is a string:

f'The string to {str0 :s} is {str1 :s} {str2 :s}!'

The number of spaces each string occupies can be specified. If this number is prefixed with a 0, the string will display trailing zeros instead of trailing spaces for each string placeholder:

f'The string to {str0 :010s} is {str1 :06s} {str2 :06s}!'
f'The string to {str0 :10s} is {str1 :6s} {str2 :6s}!'

Numeric variables are commonly incorporated into a formatted string.

num1 = 1
num2 = 0.0000123456789
num3 = 12.3456789

f'The numbers are {num1}, {num2} and {num3}.' 

num1 is a decimal integer, which is a whole number.

num2 is a small floating point number much smaller than a unit. Because it is much smaller than a unit, it is displayed in scientific notation. A floating point much larger than a unit is also displayed in scientific notation.

num3 is a floating point number comparible to a unit and shown using standard notation.

There are additional format specifiers for other datatypes:

general format:g
decimal integer:d
fixed point format (standard format):f
exponent format (scientific notation):e

For numeric variables by default the general format is used:

f'The numbers are {num1 :g}, {num2 :g} and {num3 :g}.'

The decimal integer format can be used for the whole number, this can be prefixed with the number of desired spaces and a zero to show leading zeros:

f'The numbers are {num1 :d}, {num2 :g} and {num3 :g}.' 
f'The numbers are {num1 :5d}, {num2 :g} and {num3 :g}.' 
f'The numbers are {num1 :05d}, {num2 :g} and {num3 :g}.' 

Notice the change in num2 and num3 when the fixed point format and exponentials are used:

f'The numbers are {num1 :d}, {num2 :g} and {num3 :g}.'
f'The numbers are {num1 :d}, {num2 :f} and {num3 :f}.'
f'The numbers are {num1 :d}, {num2 :e} and {num3 :e}.'  

The format specification in either case be change to .3 which indicates a precision of 3 digits past the decimal point.

f'The numbers are {num1 :d}, {num2 :.3f} and {num3 :.3f}.' 
f'The numbers are {num1 :d}, {num2 :.3e} and {num3 :.3e}.'

The % operator is used to format a string with a tuple. In this earlier style of string formatting the format specifier used a % instead of being enclosed in a {}"`

'The numbers are %d, %.3f and %.3f.' % (num1, num2, num3)
'The numbers are %d, %.3e and %.3e.' % (num1, num2, num3)

This older style of string formatting the syntax highlighting doesn't update to indicate the placeholders and it is a bit harder to read.

Fill, Center and Justify

The center method can be used to center the text within a string. This method acts upon the instance data but requires supplementary information in the form of input arguments. Inputting followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring of this function revealing the expected input arguments:


There is the input argument width which must be supplied and the input argument fillchar which has a default value. Although, fillchar is shown in the form of a keyword argument, assigned to a default value. These two input arguments are followed by a / which means they must be supplied as positional input arguments. If fillchar is not supplied as a second positional input argument, it will take on its default value, which is a space ' ':, '◯')

The width of 20 means the string returned should have 20 Unicode characters. The original string had 12 characters and to be centred, this places 4 fill characters before and 4 fill characters after the original characters. This is seen easier with the circles. The length function len determines the number of Unicode characters in the str instance:

len(, '◯'))

The methods left justify ljust and right justify rjust have consistent input arguments to center:

greeting.ljust(20, '◯'), '◯')
greeting.rjust(20, '◯')

The zero fill method zfill left justifies a number by using a fill value of 0. This can be useful if a number is to be presented with a fixed amount of digits. For example:

upper_a = '1000001'

Strip and Remove Prefix or Suffix

If a centered string is assigned to a new object name:

greeting2 =, '◯')

The strip method can be used to remove fill characters. Inputting greeting2.strip() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring of this function revealing the expected input argument chars. This once again has a default value which is None and the docstring states this default value will remove whitespace. It is followed by a / indicating it when it is provided, it must be provided as a positional input argument only:


The methods left strip lstrip and right strip rstrip have consistent input arguments.


The method removeprefix removes a precise prefix. Inputting greeting2.removeprefix() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring of this function revealing the expected input argument prefix, followed by a / indicating the input argument is positional only. Note that this positional input argument has no default value and a value has to be provided:


There is a similar right method removesuffix:


In, Find, Index, Count and Replace

The keyword in can be used to see if a substring is in a string. For example:

greeting = 'Hello World!'
'Hello' in greeting
'hello' in greeting

The in keyword returns a boolean value. Notice that it is case sensitive. The sensitivity can be remvoed with caserfold:

'world'.casefold() in greeting.casefold()

The methods find and index give more information. Instead of a boolean value True or False these functions return the numeric index when a substring is in a string.

The docstrings can be compared by typing in the methods with open parenthesis and pressing shift ⇧ and tab ↹. In both cases the input arguments are the same sub[, start[, end]]. This syntax indicates that the input arguments are positional only. The square brackets denote that the input argument is optional. Note the last term is also included in another set of square brackets. This means that sub can be provided as a single positional input argument, sub and start can be provided as positional input arguments and finally sub, start and end can be provided as positional input arguments. The return value for both methods is the same when successful. The return value differs on failure with find returning -1 and index returning a ValueError:


The input arguments denote that the function can be called with one, two or three input arguments. sub is the substring, start is the starting index to begin the search and end is the terminating index to end the search.

The substring 'H' can be searched for. Notice that the returned index is 0. Python uses zero-ordering indexing meaning the first index is 0.


Zero-order indexing is inclusive of the lower bound and exclusive of the upper bound. In 'Hello World!', the first character 'W' in the second word is at index 6 and the last character 'd' of the second word is at index 10. For the search the lower bound is inclusive meaning the search can begin with a start index of 6. The upper bound is exclusive, meaning the search, will search up to but excluding the end boundary. The last character in 'World' is at index 10, to include this within the search range, the end bound should be 1 higher giving an end of 11:

greeting.find('d', 6, 11)

The substring 'd' is found at index 10 as expected. The nuances behind zero-order indexing can be seen more explictly by searching for the substring 'World' and changing the end boundary:

greeting.find('World', 6, 11)
greeting.find('World', 6, 10)
greeting.index('World', 6, 11)
greeting.index('World', 6, 10)

When the end boundary is 10 the entire word is included in the search range and the word is found at index 6. When the end boundary is instead 10, only part of the word is included in the search range and the word is therefore not found. The method find returns -1 upon failure wheras the method index returns a ValueError.

The method count will count the number of occurances of a substring within a string. The docstring can be examined by typing in the method with open parenthesis and pressing shift ⇧ and tab ↹:


The input arguments are consistent with the find and index methods.

The count of the substrings e and l can be counted over the entire string using:


Or the count of the substring l over the second word can be counted using:

greeting.count('World', 6, 11)

The method startswith will return a bool if a string starts with a substring. The docstring can be examined by typing in the method with open parenthesis and pressing shift ⇧ and tab ↹:


The input arguments are consistent with the find, index and count methods with the default range spanning across the entire range:


The four methods find, index, count and greeting are case dependent. To remove case dependency, the casefold method is normally used in conjunction to these other methods:


The highlighted section above returns a lower case str instance. The startswith method is called upon this lower case str instance.

The methods find and index returned the first index where a substring is found. If the string is viewed as a horizontal line of characters:

'Hello World!'

When the substring being searched for is l, then the instance found is the first instance from the left. There are complementary methods rfind and rindex which begin the search from the right. The input arguments for these methods are consistent to find, index, count and greeting:


Likewise the method startswith has a right complementary method endswith with consistent input arguments.


greeting = 'Hello Hello Hello World!'

It can be checked whether Hello is in greeting:


The number of times 'Hello' is in greeting can be found using:


And find can be used using a start value 1 higher than the index of the last successful find to view all the occurances:

greeting.find('Hello', 1)
greeting.find('Hello', 7)
greeting.find('Hello', 13)

The replace method can be used to replace an old substring old with a new substring new. Inputting the method followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring. It has an optional argument count which has a default value of -1 and this means it allows for all replacements by default. The / trailing the input arguments once again indicates that the input arguments are positional only:


For example:

greeting.replace('Hello', 'Bye')
greeting.replace('Hello', 'Bye', 1)


The string is iterable and can be cast into an iterator using the iter class:


An iterator can only display one character at a time. To advance to the next character use the next function:

greeting_it = iter(greeting)

If next is used when the iterator is exhausted a Stop iterator error is shown:


This type of object is created implicitly if a string is used in a for loop.

for letter in greeting:

The loop variable letter is an iterator. Each time the loop is carried out, next is implicitly called upon it and it takes on the next character in the string.

Indexing and Slicing

The str instance greeting can be reassigned to:

greeting = 'Hello World!'

greeting can be conceptualised as:

    H   e   l
!               l   
d               o
l               ·
    r   o   W

With the first character of the string 'H' at index 0. Looking at the indexing clockwise, the index for each character is:

    ⓪   ①   ②
⑪               ③   
⑩               ④
⑨               ⑤
    ⑧   ⑦   ⑥

The character at a numeric index can be found by indexing a string. To index, square brackets are used to enclose the numeric index. The character at index 0 is 'H' as expected:


The length of the string is 12:


This is one higher than the maximum index 1 which gives the character !:


If instead the problem is approached anti-clockwise, the negative index for each character is:

    ⓪   ⓫   ❿
❶               ❾   
❷               ❽
❸               ❼
    ❹   ❺   ❻

And for index 0 the negative index is negative the length of the Unicode string:

    ⓬   ⓫   ❿
❶               ❾   
❷               ❽
❸               ❼
    ❹   ❺   ❻
    H   e   l
!               l   
d               o
l               ·
    r   o   W

So at an index of -1 is the last character !:


The length of the string is 12:


And at an index of negative the length, is the first character 'H':


If an index is selected that is out of range an IndexError displays:


A slice of characters may be returned by use of the colon : operator. This has the general form [start:stop].

Python uses zero-order indexing. The start is inclusive of the index. A start index of 0 can be conceptualised as:

  |H   e   l   l   o   ·   W   o   r   l   d   !
  |⓪   ①   ②   ③   ④   ⑤   ⑥   ⑦   ⑧   ⑨   ⑩   ⑪

And the stop is exclusive of the index. A stop index of 6 can be conceptualised as:

   H   e   l   l   o   ·  |W   o   r   l   d   !
   ⓪   ①   ②   ③   ④   ⑤  |⑥   ⑦   ⑧   ⑨   ⑩   ⑪

And the slice greeting[0:6] gives the substring 'Hello ':


To get each word:


The default boundaries are 0 for the start and len(greeting) for the stop:


Notice the inclusion of the last character at index 11 the '!' in 'World!'. To specify a slice that includes this character explicitly a stop value of one larger than the length of the string neeeds to be used:

   H   e   l   l   o   ·   W   o   r   l   d   !  |
   ⓪   ①   ②   ③   ④   ⑤   ⑥   ⑦   ⑧   ⑨   ⑩   ⑪  |

A second colon : operator can be used to include a step. Slicing has the general form [start:stop:step] when both colons are used and the default step is 1. Every 1 and 2 letters in the first word can be obtained using:


When the step is negative, the string will be reversed:


Care needs to be taken when using a reverse step as the start bound is still inclusive and the stop bound is still exclusive. The default value for the start bound becomes the value before 0 which is -1. Th stop value becomes the negative length of the string -1:

-len(greeting) - 1

A str instance is immutable, this means that it is not possible to assign a new value to an index and attempting to do so gives a TypeError.


Because the string is immutable, every string method used cannot change the original string and instead returns a new string instance. Some of the methods such as count return an integer instance instead. Reassignment also does not change the original string instance but merely moves the object name or label from one string instance to another string instance.

Concatenate, Join and Split

The addition operator + can be used to concatenate two strings:

'Hello' + 'World'

Notice no space was included, and this is because none of the original strings included a space. If a space is desired, it must also be concatenated:

'Hello' + ' ' + 'World'

For this reason, a formatted string is usually easier to use and read than string concatenation.

String replication can also be carried out using the multiplication operator *, this requires interaction with an integer:

'Hello' * 3
5 * 'World'

It does not make sense to multiply a string by a string and this gives a TypeError:


The split method can be used to split a string into a list of strings using a split character. Supposing:

greeting = 'Hello| World| Goodbye'

The docstring can be examined by typing in the method with open parenthesis and pressing shift ⇧ and tab ↹. The keyword input arguments sep and maxsplit have default values. They are not trailed by a / so can be provided as keyword input arguments or positional input arguments:


If no input argument is supplied, the string is split on whitespace:


Notice the output is a list of strings. The list uses [ ] to enclose its contents and a , to seperate each individual item. In this case each item is an individual string which is each enclosed in its own ".

Alternatively a split character may be provded to split on:


A multiline greeting can be made:

multiline_greeting = """Hello World!
Good Morning World!
Good Evening World!
Goodnight World!

Notice when it is displayed each line ends with a new line escape character \n:


The splitlines method is essentially the split method with \n set to be the split character:

greeting_lines = multiline_greeting.splitlines()

The str method join is used to join a list of lines using a string as a seperator. Its docstring can be examined from the string class by typing in the method with open parenthesis and pressing shift ⇧ and tab ↹:


An instance self is required and it is quite common to use a blank space. This method can also be called from a blank string instance directly. Typically this is done so without assigning the blank space string to a variable name:

str.join(' ', greeting_lines)
' '.join(greeting_lines)

A similar method to split is partition. The docstring can be examined by typing in the method with open parenthesis and pressing shift ⇧ and tab ↹. This method only partitions the string once on the first occurance of the partition character sep and returns a tuple of size 3. The first value is the substring before the partition character, the second value is the partition character sep and the third value is the rest of the string. The / trailing the input arguments indicates sep is positional only:


There is an associated rpartition which approaches the string from the right hand side:


Comparison Operators

The is equal to operator == is used to compare if a string is equal to another string:

'Hello' == 'Hello'
'hello' == 'Hello'

This double operator == should not be confused with the single operator = which recall is used for assignment.

is_equal = 'hello' == 'Hello'

Notice in the above, the statement on the right hand side of the assignment operator is carried out first. The value of this statement is False and this False value then gets assigned the object name which can be conceptualised as a label is_equal.

The not equals to operator != gives the opposite result:

'Hello' != 'Hello'

The greater than operator > checks to see if a string is greater than another string. When first using it the results may be surprising:

'a' > 'A'
'a' > 'Apple'

Recall each character is arranged ordinally, so behind the scenes, the number 97 is being compared to 65:


There is also the less than operator < which checks to see if a string is less than another string:

'apple' < 'Apple'

When two strings are equal, the less than and greater than operators will display False. There is the associated less than or equal to operator <= and greater than or equals to operator >=:

'Apple' <= 'Apple'
'apple' < 'Apple'

Data Model Identifiers

To recap a string instance can be created using:

greeting = 'Hello World!'

A list of identifiers can be viewed by inputting the object name greeting. followed by a tab ↹:


These methods are called from the string instance. The string instances act on the string instance data but some require additional input arguments which must be supplied:

greeting.replace('Hello', 'Bye')

However some inbuilt functions have been used on a string instance:


Some keywords have been used with string instances:

'Hello' in greeting

And some operators have been used with string instances:

'Hello' + 'World'
'Hello' * 3

Indexing and slicing has also been carried out on a string:


The behaviour of the inbuilt functions and operators on str instances are governed by data model identifiers. The data model identifiers are hidden by default when the instance name followed by a dot . and tab ↹ are pressed:


The data model identifiers can however be shown when the instance name, in this case greeting followed by a dot .__ and tab ↹ are pressed:


The data model identifiers begin and end with a double underscore. These data model identifiers are often colloquially known as dunder identifiers.

Many of the identifiers in this list display as instances, for example __repr__:


These come from the str class itself and can be shown when the str class, followed by a dot .__ and tab ↹ are pressed:


One point of confusion is that some of the data model identifiers for example __repr__ displays as an instance when the list of identifiers is populated from a str instance. On the other hand, the same data model identifiers display as a function when the list of identifiers is populated from the str class. Despite displaying as an instance i.e. another object when the identifier is accessed from an instance of the string class, the shift ⇧ and tab ↹ key can be pressed to view the docstring:


Notice that the docstring states that the data model method is a method wrapper and returns repr(self). This means that the docstring of the function repr from builtins can be examined for more details:


The following:


is more conventionally used opposed to:


Although repr is used, under the hood the __repr__ method is defined in the class str and as a method wrapper controls the behaviour of the builtins function repr.

A similar case can be seen for the informal representation __str__ which acts as a method wrapper for the str class:


All objects in Python including the str class are based upon the object class. Therefore all the data model identifiers in the object class are also present in the str class:


This includes __repr__ and __str__ which indicates that all Python objects have a formal and informal string representation.

Every object also has the data model identifiers __new__ which is used to construct a new instance of the class. In the documentation self is used as a placeholder to mean this instance:


When the following is used:

greeting = 'hello world!'

Or more fully:

greeting = str('hello world!')

self gets assigned to the label greeting for this instance.

Likewise, an instance of the object class can be instantiated:

instance = object()

self gets assigned to the label instance for this instance.

The __new__ data model constructor, calls the __init__ data model initialization signature and is used by __new__ to populate a new instance with instance data during construction:


Notice that __init__ does not have a return statement as it is used to initially populate an instance with instance data. The __new__ uses __init__ to initialize a new object which is returned.

When the class name is input followed by open parenthesis and the shift ⇧ and tab ↹ keys are pressed the docstring of the initialization signature displays. Recall the purpose of __init__ is to provide an instance with instance data, the object class requires no instance data, whereas the str class does:


Just to clarify, as it leads to a source of confusion for begineers, although the initialization signature displays here and prompts the user to provide instance data. Recall that __init__ has no return value. Instead the __new__ data model identifier is called which in turn calls __init__ and forwards the supplied instance data to __init__ and finally returns the new instance with the instance data. __new__ is the constructor and __init__ is the initializer.

greeting = str('hello world!')
instance = object()

Every Python object has a data model identifier __class__ which can be used to return the class type of the object:


This uses the inbuilt class type:


Every class has the data model identifier __doc__:


This returns a class attribute in the form of a string. A class attribute is an attribute that is defined in the class and is constant across all instances of the class:


This is normally provided alongside, some other details when ? is used:

? instance
? greeting

All objects have a __sizeof__ data model identifier, which is used to return the size of the object in bytes:


The getsizeof function from the sys module is more commonly used for this purpose:

import sys

The __format__ data model identifier give details about incorporating an object in a format string, i.e. controls how the format specifiers work:

f'greeting is formatted as a string: {greeting :s}'
f'greeting is formatted as a string: {greeting :20s}'
f'greeting is formatted as a string: {greeting :020s}'

The data model identifier __hash__ returns the hash value of an object:


Only immutable objects, that is objects that once created cannot be modified are hashable. Instances of the object and object classes are immutable and hsahable:


A hashable value is permissible as a key in a dictionary or mapping. For example, the three keys 'red', 'green' and 'blue' are strings:

colors = {'red': [1, 0, 0], 
          'green': [0, 1, 0], 
          'blue': [0, 1, 1]}

Once the dictionary is made, the key may be used to index into the dictionary, returning the corresponding value:


The key can be assigned to an object name (a label can be added to it). Indexing can then be done with the label name:

key = 'green'

Hashing shouldn't be confused with the id which is a unique identifier available for all objects:


The object class has two comparison data model identifiers __eq__ and __ne__ defined. These control the way the operators == and !=. By default for an object these check the id to see if the object is the same.

The data model identifier __dir__ returns the directory dir value of an object. Each object can be thought of as a directory or folder and within that directory or folder are other directories or folders. In the case of a Python object, these are other identifiers:


Most identifiers can be displayed as a list of strings using the directory function dir. This function treats each Python object as a directory or folder and lists all the other objects as files in this folder:


To view this list horizontally the pretty print function pprint can be used from the pretty print module print:

from pprint import pprint
pprint(dir(instance), compact=True)
pprint(dir(greeting), compact=True)

There are some identifiers that display from the class, that do not display from an instance of the class.

The identifier __name__ for example gives the name of the Python class:


The identifier __module__ gives the name of the Python module, the class belongs to:


object and str classes are both in the builtins module:


When the builtins module is explicitly imported:

import builtins

These classes can be seen in the list of identifiers which can be accessed by inputting builtins. followed by a tab ↹:


A Python class can be displayed as a dictionary using the data model identifier __dict__. The dictionary displays all the identifiers of the class

pprint(object.__dict__, compact=True)
pprint(str.__dict__, compact=True)

Most of the other data model identifiers available from the object class relate to the concept of subclassing. This will only be discussed briefly here. A subclass is a class that is typically based on another class, the superclass but has additional or changed functionality. The method resolution order __mro__ can be displayed using:


The object has no superclass, this means all the methods are defined in the object class directly.

The str has object as a superclass. What this means is that some of the methods used for the str class are defined directly in the str class and others are inherited from the object class. Notice when str.__dict__ was examined that there was no entry for __dir__, this is because __dir__ is inherited from the object class and is therefore shown in object.__dir__. There is an entry for __doc__ in both dictionaries, this means that the docstring for the str class has been updated in the str class. The method resolution order states that this updated version should be used for the str class and any str instance.

The data model identifier __isinstance__ checks whether an instance is an instance of a particular class:


Note that both instance and greeting are instances of the class object. This is because object is the superclass:


The data model identifier __subclasses__ can be used to return a list of immediate subclasses:


If the subclasses of the object class are examined, pretty much all classes in the builtins module are shown:


As the str class is a fundamental data type, there are also a small number of classes that subclass the str class:


The __subclasscheck__ can be used to check if another class is a subclass returing a boolean value:


For example the str class is a subclass of the object class:


The builtins function issubclass is typically used for this purpose:

issubclass(str, object)

The __getattribute__, __setattr__ and __delattr__ data model identifiers are used to get, set and delete attributes. These control the behaviour behind the builtins functions getattr, setattr and delattr respectively.


Notice that the builtins functions getattr, setattr and delattr are not conventionally used. Instead getting attributes is done using the dot . syntax, setting attributes is done using the dot . syntax and assignment = and deleting the attribute is done using the del keyword and the dot . syntax.

The str is immutable and doesn't have many attributes. The __mro__ attribute is accessible from the str class but not from a str instance. It can be accessed from the str class using:

getattr(str, '__mro__')

Which is more conventionally accessed using:


Immutable means cannot be modified once created, therefore if the __mro__ attribute is attempted to be reassigned to a new value, a TypeError displays:

setattr(str, '__mro__', None)
str.__mro__ = None

A TypeError also displays if this attribute is attempted to be deleted:

delattr(str, '__mro__')
del str.__mro__

There are some other data model identifiers which can be seen in the object class.

__getstate__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__ and __getnewargs__ are used by the pickle module to serialise Python objects, this will be discussed in a later tutorial.

The data model identifiers __slots__, __call__, __prepare__, __annotations__, __qualname__, __subclasshook__, __text_signature__, __dictoffset__ and __weakrefoffsrt__ are used for the purposes of creating custom classes via subclassing and are not applicable to the discussion of the str class.

__basicsize__ and __itemsize__ are the identifiers that return the basic size of an object and an item in a object in bytes. This is only relevant for objects that have items of a constant size. An item in a str is a Unicode character and Unicode characters can span different amount of bytes which will be discussed in more detail later.

Python classes follow a design pattern. Everything in Python is based on the immutable object and therefore usethe data model identifiers that were were previously discussed.

A str is an immutable collection. The design pattern for a collection can be seen by examining the Collection abstract base class from the collections module:

from import Collection

Its list of identifiers can be showned by inputting Collection.__ followed by a tab ↹:


An immutable collection has the following identifiers __len__, __contains__, and __iter__.

The __len__ data model identifier controls the behaviour fo the len function in builtins which returns the number of items in a collection as an integer:


The __contains__ data model identifier controls the behaviour of the in keyword which returns a boolean value if a value is in a collection as an integer:

'e' in greeting
'z' in greeting

The __iter__ data model identifier controls the behaviour of the iter function in builtins which returns an iterator, this is also used behind the scenes in a for loop:

forward = iter(greeting)


An ordered collection also can have the __getitem__ data model identifier which controls the behaviour of the square brackers [ ] for the purposes of indexing. For a collection, indexing is normally done with an integer key:


As the str is as previously discussed immutable there is no associated __setitem__.

A collection can also have the __add__ and __mul__ identifiers configured for concatenation of the collection and replication of the collection. These control the behaviour of the + and * operators respecitvely:

greeting + '!!!!'
greeting * 3

Notice the __mul__ identifier has an input argument of a different data type:

greeting * 3

For the reverse operation to work, the associated __rmul__ is also defined:

3 * greeting

The data model identifier __mod__ data controls the behaviour of the modulo operator % which is used with a tuple for legacy string formatting.

'One: %s, Two: %s, Three: %s' % ('one', 'two', 'three')

Unlike the object class which only defined __eq__ and __ne__ and compared the ids of object instances. For the str class the 6 comparison operators are defined and setup to compare string data.

__eq__ defines the behaviour of the is equal to operator ==:


__ne__ defines the behaviour of the not equal to operator !=:


__lt__ defines the behaviour of the less than operator <:


__gt__ defines the behaviour of the less than operator >:


__le__ defines the behaviour of the less than or equal to operator <=:


__ge__ defines the behaviour of the greater than or equal to operator >=:

'hello' == 'Hello'
'hello' > 'Hello'

Recall that this is related to the ordinal values of each character:


Binary and Hexadecimal

The ord function can be used to return the decimal integer ordinal value of a character:


Notice the output has no quotations so is a decimal number and not a string.

This can be shown as a binary string using:


Notice the output is a string as seen by the quotations. From the line above the code highlighted is a string, and a string method can be used on this string. The prefix '0b' can be removed using the string method lstrip.


This gives a string without the prefix. This number can be cast back into a decimal integer.


Notice once again the output has no quotations so is a decimal number and not a string.

For convenience this can now be stored using a variable name:

num_cap_a = int(bin(ord('A')).lstrip('0b'))

A formatted string can be produced to display the string literal 'A' and its corresponding byte sequence. Recall that double quotations are used to create a string with a string literal and there are 8 bits in a byte so:

f"The byte sequence for 'A' is {num_cap_a :08d}"
print(f"The byte sequence for 'A' is {num_cap_a :08d}")

This can be done more directly by use of the binary format specifier:

f"The byte sequence for 'A' is {ord('A') :08b}"
print(f"The byte sequence for 'A' is {ord('A') :08b}")

Binary is not very human readible. It is easy to misread how many zeros are in the number above and make a transcribing error by counting 1 too many or 1 to less for example. As a consequence each binary number is generally split up into groups of four:


2 ** 4 gives 16 combinations and another numbering system called the hexadecimal numbering system uses 16 unique numeric digits to display a number.

Binary ValueHexadecimal Value

In the hexadecimal numbering system a, b, c, d, e and f are numeric digits and should not be conceptualised as letters or characters.

Recall that the character 'A' is the ordinal integer 65:


It can be expressed as a binary string using the binary function bin:


Alternatively it can be expressed as a hexadecimal string using the hexadecimal function hex:


And this is expected from the table above as the hexadecimal digit 4 corresponds to the binary sequence 0100 or 100 if the leading zero is omitted. And the hexadecimal digit 1 corresponds to the binary sequence 0001. Placing them together gives 41.

To prevent confusion with decimal integers the binary numbers are normally expressed as string with the 0b prefix and the hexadecimal numbers are expressed as strins using the 0x prefix:

for num in range(16):
    print(f"dec {num :2d}, hex '{hex(num)}',  bin '{bin(num) :s}'")

The escape character \x is used to insert a hexadecimal value into a string:


The non-printable ASCII characters are shown using this notation. This is seen in the less common whitespace characters


In ASCII bytes 33 to 128 include most printable characters, it is worthwhile seeing each character in Hexadecimal:

for num in range(33, 128):
    print(chr(num), hex(num), sep='   ', end='\t')

And the whitespace characters:

hex(ord(' ')) # space
hex(ord('\t')) # tab
hex(ord('\n')) # new line
hex(ord('\r')) # carriage return

Using the above, greeting can be constructed from hexadecimal escape characters:

greeting = '\x48\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f\x20\x57\x6f\x72\x6c\x64\x21'

To recap, each ASCII character can be inserted as a 2 digit hexadecimal escape character. 2 digit hexadecimal corresponds to 8 bits which is 1 byte.

Translate and Translation Table

ASCII uses the first 128 characters, however a byte has 256 values. In the past supplementary characters were used for Latin 1 and a gap was left for regional variations:

for num in range(128, 256):
    print(chr(num), hex(num), sep='   ', end='\t')

This gap can still be filled in using the str method maketrans and supplying a translation mapping in the form of a dictionary:

translation_table = str.maketrans({int('0x80', 16): 'α',
                                   int('0x81', 16): 'β',
                                   int('0x82', 16): 'γ',
                                   int('0x83', 16): 'δ',
                                   int('0x84', 16): 'ε'},)

Once a translation table is available, it can be used to create text that uses these bytes:


In the past different translation tables were used regionally. Larger translation tables were used in countries such as Japan which have a completely different characterset to English. This became problematic when the world became more connected via the world wide web. Websites were shown in Mojibake, under the hood, there was a systematic replacement of symbols with completely unrelated ones due to the website being written with one translation table in mind and translated with a completely different translation table:



Unicode Transformation Format was a world wide collaboration to essentially create one large translation table encompassing every character used in every language. As there are more characters, more memory is required to encode the character set.

For UTF-16 encoding (16 bit or 2 bytes) are used for each character, therefore a 4 digit hexadecimal escape characters is required. The Greek letter λ for example has the Unicode sequence U03BB. To insert it as an escape character use \u03bb. Note the 0 prefix has to be included as the \u escape sequence expects 4 characters.


ASCII is a subset of unicode but the leading zeros need to be added to use them with the unicode escape sequence:

greeting = '\u0048\u0065\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0020\u0057\u006f\u0072\u006c\u0064\u0021'

The fundamental unit in a Unicode string is a Unicode character:

greeting = 'Γειά σου Κόσμε!'

More explicitly:

greeting = '\u0393\u03b5\u03b9\u03ac\u0020\u03c3\u03bf\u03c5\u0020\u039a\u03cc\u03c3\u03bc\u03b5\u0021'

Unicode String Recap

To recap the Unicode String recognises 1 bit ASCII hexadecimal and 2 bit Unicode hexadecimal values. Recall most of the first 33 ASCII commands are non-printable and based on the commands of a type writter:


the following 4 whitespace commands being particularly important:

chr(0x20) # space
chr(0x09) # tab
chr(0x0a) # new line
chr(0x0d) # carriage return

These are recognised with or without the trailing zeros.

for num in range(0x21, 0x80):
    print(f"'{hex(num)}' {chr(num)}", sep=' ', end='    ')

The Greek letters for example are:

for num in range(0x0391, 0x03CA):
    print(f"'{hex(num)}' {chr(num)}", sep=' ', end='   ')

And mathematics and miscellaneous symbols are:

print(f"'{hex(0x00D7)}' {chr(0x00D7)}")
print(f"'{hex(0x00F7)}' {chr(0x00F7)}")
for num in range(0x2200, 0x2400):
    print(f"'{hex(num)}' {chr(num)}", sep=' ', end='  ')

The Byte String Class bytes

Python has another text class called a bytes that is very similar to a string. This was the fundamental string used in Python 2 but still has some purposes particularly when it comes to data transfer from hardware.

Init Signature

The bytes class is an abbreviation for a string of bytes. The fundamental unit is a byte.

Recall that a byte spans 8 bits and each bit corresponds to a power of 2. For convenience every byte is denoted using 2 hexadecimal characters.

   2⁸  2⁷  2⁶  2⁵  2⁴  2³  2¹  2⁰
   0   1   1   1   1   0   1   1
 |       7       |       b        |


$$2⁷ + 2⁶ + 2⁵ + 2⁴ + 2¹ + 2⁰ = 123$$

The above as a binary string is '0b01111011', as a hexadecimal string is '0x7b' and as a decimal integer is 123.

Inputting bytes() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring of the init signature of the bytes class:


A byte instance can be created from an ASCII characterset by use of the b prefix:

greeting = b'Hello World!'

More explicitly, a byte is a sequence of 2 digit hexadecimal characters:

greeting = b'\x48\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f\x20\x57\x6f\x72\x6c\x64\x21'


If the instance name greeting is input followed by a dot . and then tab ↹ a list of identifiers displays:


Notice the consistency between the bytes identifiers and the str identifiers. Most of these identifiers behave analogously.

The hex method, will display the byte sequence as a string of hexadecimal characters. This string won't include any escape characters:


The from_hex is an alternative constructor that can take a string of that format or a string of that format that includes spaces:

bytes.fromhex('48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 21')

Data Model Identifiers

The data model identifiers can be viewed by inputting the instance name greeting.__ followed by a tab ↹:


The data model identifiers are largely consistent with the str class and both classes are immutable collections following the design pattern of the Collections class examined previously.

The addition of the __bytes__ data model identifier casts one bytes instance into another bytes instance:


The __len__ and __getitem__ data model methods are defined differently as the fundamental unit in a bytes is a byte opposed to a character.

The len function returns 12 bytes, it happens that each byte is ASCII encoded where 1 character is 1 byte but this won't be the case when moving onto non-ASCII characters:


For example if the '£' is included and the encoding is 'UTF-8'. Then the character spans 2 bytes instead of 1 byte:

greeting = bytes('H£llo World!', encoding='UTF-8')

Therefore the length will be 13 bytes:


When decoded this is still 12 characters:


Indexing using an integer will return the numeric value of a character by default:


The character this responds to can be seen using:


And the hex value can be seen using:


Slicing returns a bytes object that uses the same encoding. The slice is between the start and a stop value of 6. Notice to get the first 5 letters, indexing to 6 is required because the character '£' spans 2 bytes:


Since the bytes class is an immutable collection, there is no associated __setitem__ data model identifier.


The bytes class also has a method decode which decodes the bytes string to a Unicode string:


To use decode an encoding system needs to be specified.

Before looking at a decoding in a bytes sequence it is worthwhile examining the concept of encoding using the more simple Morse Code. Morse Code was made when only basic digital signals were available. The message was conveyed using controlled durations of the digital signal such as a buzzer making sound or a LED blinking.


The schematic above should be considered as a time trace for a single LED. Everywhere the LED is present indicates the LED is On. Everywhere the LED is absent indicates the LED is Off. The change in colour is used to help clearly distinguish each character. The white LED at the end is added to indicate the end of the message. When Morse Code was used the message typically repeated multiple times to increase its chance of being recieved and translated.

Morse Code assigns a sequence of durations to a character.

  • A dot . is one second high.
  • A dash – is three seconds high.
  • The spacing between dots and dashes in a character is one second low.
  • The spacing between one character and the next character is three seconds second low.
  • The spacing between words is seven seconds low.

The translation instructions or translation table for Morse Code is as shown.

CharacterMorse Code
' ''       '
'0''- – – – –   '
'1''. – – – –   '
'2''. . – – –   '
'3''. . . – –   '
'4''. . . . –   '
'5''. . . . .   '
'6''- . . . .   '
'7''- – . . .   '
'8''- – – . .   '
'9''- – – – .   '
'A''. –   '
'B''- . . .   '
'C''- . – .   '
'D''- . .   '
'E''. .   '
'G''- – .   '
'H''. . . .   '
'I''. .   '
'J''. – – –   '
'K''- . –   '
'L''. _ . .   '
'M''- –   '
'N''- .   '
'O''- – –   '
'P''. – – .   '
'Q''- – . –   '
'R''. – .   '
'S''. . .   '
'T''-   '
'U''. . –   '
'V''. . . –   '
'W''. – –   '
'X''- . . –   '
'Y''- . – –   '
'Z''- – . .   '

From the translation table above:


The red LED sequence is 'H'

The blue LED sequence is 'E'

The green LED sequence is 'L'

The yellow LED sequence is 'L'

The orange LED sequence is 'O'

For a Bytes sequence the following translation tables are most commonly used. These should be conceptualised as very large dictionarys that map a byte sequence to a character:

encodingbitbytesbyte orderBOM
UTF-16-LE216little endian
UTF-16-BE216big endian
UTF-32-LE432little endian
UTF-32-BE432big endian
UTF-81-4adaptive1-4 adaptive
UTF-8-Sig1-4adaptive1-4 adaptiveBOM

A BOM is an abbreviation for a Byte Order Marker (BOM) which normally occurs at the start of the byte stream and is used in the case of UTF-16 and UTF-32 to denote whether the data is little endian or big endian. Some programs include a BOM otherwise known as a signature for all data encoded which is why there is UTF-8-Sig even even though the UTF-8 encoding does not have the confusion between little endian and big endian.

Let's examine greeting it has a length of 12 bytes, the fundamental unit is 12 bytes and not 12 characters. The subtle difference will be seen in a moment. This is divisible by 2 with no modulo, it is also divisible by 2 with no modulo:

len(greeting) // 2
len(greeting) % 2
len(greeting) // 4
len(greeting) % 4


The correct encoding scheme 'ASCII' can be used, alongside the incorrect encoding system 'UTF-16'. Notice the mojibake when the incorrect encoding scheme is used:

greeting = b'\x48\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f\x20\x57\x6f\x72\x6c\x64\x21'

The ASCII encoding system treats the bytes string as:

'48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 21'

Whereas the UTF-16 treats the bytes string as:

'6548 6c6c 206f 6f57 6c72 2164'

'UTF-16' uses little endian by default, although 'UTF-16-LE' can be explicitly specified. For little endian the byte order for each character is right to left so the two bytes that make the first character '48 65' are read in as '6548'.


If it is changed to big endian, the first character is read in as 4865:


Encoding the ASCII string with 'UTF-16' of either endian gives mojibake:


Normally the encoding is specified when the bytes string is instantiated:

greeting = bytes('Hello World!', encoding='UTF-16-LE')

greeting = bytes('Hello World!', encoding='UTF-16')

Notice the subtle difference between using UTF-16 and 'UTF-16-LE. A Byte Order Marker '\xff\xfe' is placed in UTF-16.

For each character the ASCII equivalent is shown beside '\x00' for example 'H\x00'. The 'H' is '\x48' and therefore these are combined to be read in as the two bytes '\48\00' which becomes the Unicode character U0048 which is 'H'. This can be seen more clearly if converted to hex:


If this greeting encoded in UTF-16 is decoded into the similar UTF-16-LE:


Notice the BOM gets incorporated into the string as an unreadible Unicode character.

If however it is decoded into 'Latin-1, it undergoes mojibake and becomes 2 characters:


An attempt to decode to 'UTF-8' will detect the BOM as invalid:


The BOM can be stripped and encoded to 'UTF-8' using:


The examples above were used to highlight some of the difficulties encountered with the bytes class and encoding.

In general UTF-8 is the standard and should be used wherever possible. This is why the default value for the keyword argument in the method decode is 'UTF-8:


That being said, Microsoft tend to use a version of UTF-8 called UTF-8-Sig which is essentially UTF-8 with a BOM:

greeting = bytes('Hello World!', encoding='UTF-8')
greeting = bytes('Hello World!', encoding='UTF-8-Sig')

The BOM can be stripped and the bytes string decoded to 'UTF-8' or it can be decoded using UTF-8-Sig:


The Mutable Byte String Class bytearray

The bytearray is similar to the byte collection. The byte collection is immutable, meaning that once it is created, that it cannot be modified. The bytearray is mutable, meaning that once it is created, it can be modified.

Conceptualise the bytes class as being setup similar to a .pdf file, i.e. is opened as read only, data can be read but not modified. Conceptualise the bytesarray as a .docx file opened in a word processor i.e. opened in edit mode, data can be read and modified. In some cases this is not desirable as data can be accidentally modified i.e. corrupted.

Init Signature

Inputting bytearray() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring of the init signature of the bytearray class:

greeting = bytearray('Hello WOrld', encoding='utf-8')


If the instance name greeting is input followed by a dot . and then tab ↹ a list of identifiers displays:


Notice the inclusion of the mutable identifiers append, extend, insert, pop, remove and reverse. These identifiers are methods that mutate the bytearray i.e. change the original and do not output a return value.

The ordinal value of '!' is 33:


Inputting greeting.append() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring. The only input argument is item, followed by a / indicating that it is provided as a positional input argument only. item is a number (which corresponds to a single byte). The method will append this single byte to the end of this bytearray:


Notice that there is no return value as this mutable method modifies the instance greeting in place. Using:


shows it has been updated:


Inputting greeting.extend() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring. The input argument iterable_of_bits is followed by a / indicating that the iterable of bits is to be provided as a positional input argument only. This method has no return value and is mutable meaning the bytearray will be modified in place:

greeting.extend(b' Bye World!')

To view the changes use:


Inputting greeting.insert() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring and the input arguments index and item followed by / indicating they are to provided positionally only. The method insert requires an index to insert a single item, as well as the byte item itself. The index of all previous values at and higher than this index will be increased by 1. This method has no return value and is mutable meaning the bytearray will be modified in place:


A question mark has the ordinal number of 63:


It can be inserted at index 6 using:

greeting.insert(6, 63)

To view the changes use:


Inputting greeting.pop() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring. It has a single input argument index which has a default value of -1 meaning the end of the bytearray. This is trailed by a / indicating it should be supplied only as a positional input argument when its default value is to be overridden. The method pop by default pops off the last item returning it as well as mutating the bytearray in place:


When the last value is popped, it is returned as a numeric value. This is the only mutable method which also has a return value:


This return value can be seen to be the '!' using:


This mutable method also carries out some in place changes, to view the changes use:


The '?' at index 6 can be popped using:


This mutable method occurs in place, to view the changes use:


Inputting greeting.remove() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring. It has a single input argument value, followed by a / indicating it is to be provided as a positional input argument. The method remove by default removes the first occurance of this value in the bytearray:


The exclamation mark has an ordinal value of 33:


It can be removed using:


This mutable method occurs in place, to view the changes use:


Inputting greeting.reverse() followed by shift ⇧ and tab ↹ will display the docstring. It has no input arguments as it only needs the instance data. The method reverse by default reverses the bytearray:


This mutable method occurs in place, to view the changes use:


Data Model Identifiers

The data model identifiers can be viewed by inputting the name of an instance followed by a dot . and two underscores __ and a tab ↹:


Notice that the same immutable data model identifiers as seen in the str and bytes classes are available. For example __getitem__:


The bytesarray class has the immutable data model identifiers __setitem__ and __delitem__:


Since __getitem__ is available, the bytearray can be indexed into and follows the same behaviour as the immutable bytes class:


As the mutable data model identifier __setitem__ is also available, reassignment of a value at an index can also be carried out. This typo can be fixed. The ordinal value of lower case 'o' is 111:


The value at index 7 can be reassigned to this:

greeting[7] = 111

There is no cell output as the instance is modified in place, greeting can be viewed using:


As the mutable data model identifier __delitem__ is available. The last byte at index 11 can be deleted using:

del greeting[11]

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